Use Case User A interrogate section 1,2,3 of windows application 'A' User B simultaneously interrogate section 4,5,6 of windows application 'A' Requirement Can there be a single adapter covering sections 1,2,3,4,5,6 for windows application 'A'? Solution Adapter 1 Contains Login Controls of Application A Adpater 2 Contains Homepage Controls of Application A that appears after Login is done. Now go to folder soultion folder and follow the below steps :- Locate Adapter1.os file and open it in notepad. Locate the End of section 1 in the above image Locate the Adaper2.os file and open it in notepad. Copy the entire section 2 and paste it in Adapter1.os text file at the end of Section 1 And modify control and Match rule names for the section pasted at the end of section 1. Save the Adaper1.os file and open the solution. Adapter1 will now contains both the controls.